Wifi Controllers
At Grapids we are embracing the latest technology when it comes to Irrigation and Smart Water Management. Please give us a call today or fill out a request for more information and we would be happy to discuss what your needs are and how we may be able to help.

Whether you want to be able to control your irrigation system remotely from your phone or tablet, or you want to know if you have a zone not working, or if you want to be a steward for water conservation, the new Smart Controllers can help in ways never before imagined.
Call Grapids today to talk with a wifi controller expert and learn more about how you can use technology to assist you in your irrigation system.

Commercial / Complex
Although a large portion of our public water supply is used by residential customers, commercial and institutional buildings can account for 17 percent of the municipal water demand in the United States.
As significant water users, commercial and institutional facilities have the opportunity to conserve this precious resource and save on their operating costs. (Dziegielewski, et al. 2000. Commercial and Institutional End Uses of Water. American Water Works Association Research Foundation.)
If a facility irrigates its landscape, it could potentially be wasting water due to evaporation, wind, or runoff. Water-efficient irrigation products and practices—such as native plantings, water budgeting, seasonal scheduling, or WaterSense labeled weather-based irrigation controllers—could cut the amount of water lost outside by as much as 50 percent.
Let our experience and knowledge go to work for you in determining if your Irrigation system is working properly and help you determine ways to easily manage your system.
Get a Free Quote Now!